How conquering your Imposter Syndrome makes your Data Viz awesome.
Have you been at a party with a know-it-all? Someone who has a (loud) opinion about everything and always seem to have to be right about everything? They're not fun to hang out with.
Alternatively, have you gone on a first date with someone and all they do is talk about themselves, not even asking any questions about you? Those people rarely get 2nd dates, right?
I’m pretty sure (but I’m not a psychologist) that these people suffer from Imposter Syndrome, and feel the need to show everyone how they’re great, really.
Let’s be honest, we ALL suffer from Imposter Syndrome sometimes. Some of the most famous people in the world suffer from self-doubt (either occasionally or constantly). It’s only natural to be self-critical and to want to be perfect in everything we do.
This can effect how we design our data visualizations, dashboards, powerpoints… everything, and it make them worse.
Contact Joe | | People-Friendly Power BI | LinkedIn
Paradise by the Dashboard Light (in Portland, Oregon)
I’m heading to Portland this coming October for the American Evaluation Association conference (Oct 21-26). I’ll be running my Power BI Crash Course workshop again for the 3rd year, teaching evaluators how to get started with this powerful and sometimes confusing piece of software.
I make it engaging, fun, and everyone learns how to make a basic and engaging dashboard with sample evaluation survey data in about 3 hours.
I’ve set up a mini-website to communicate with participants beforehand (it’s something I always wish I had as a workshop participant in the past) to share what they need to do before the workshop, and so they get to know me (and vice versa)!
If you’re interested, sign up at this link (or share the link with your friends who may be into it.
Over on How To Use Power BI, where I post quick and easy lessons about how to do everything (I’m working on it… there’s a LOT) in Power BI, there’s a few new posts up!
(If you can’t tell, I also really love making little icon graphics for each post. Super fun.)
Label Spacing Fail on Line Charts
Label Spacing Fail (and Fix!) on Bar Charts
Take care everyone,
Contact Joe | | How To Use Power BI | LinkedIn