Why I used to hate Power BI and how that has made me a better teacher.
Hey there,
I’m in New Orleans this week at the American Evaluation Society conference. I’m mainly here to teach a Power BI Crash Course workshop to Evaluation professionals who have never used it before. I named it “Paradise by the Dashboard Light”, because I strive to make (and teach) dashboards that are fantastic and easy for users, and also because it’s an awesome name.
I forgot to take a photo of the crowd of 53 people in my workshop (It went very well and I forgot to take a photo - I think everyone had a great time and learned a lot), but here’s a photo I took yesterday when I was snooping around to check out my workshop room.
(they actually moved us to a new room twice the size of this one to fit us all. We would have been on top of one another in this small room shown below.)
All 53 people in this workshop were brand new to Power BI. They were all trying something new.
I LOVE people who are up to trying something new. LOVE them.
And, I’m here for them. Every Single One of them. I am here to make every single one of them not only love what Power BI can do, but give them the knowledge and techniques to make useful and easy dashboards using it.
I used to work in an Evaluation and Research department. Evaluators are awesome. They are the professionals that measure when and if programs, projects, and actions have merit, value, and significance. Basically, they answer the question of “Is this thing worth doing?”
So, they are not technology experts… they may have some data skills, but it’s not the main purpose of their job… they are brand new to Power BI and it has to be easy for them to GET how to use it.
That brings me to the main point of this post:
I used to HATE Power BI
… and that hate has MADE me a BETTER teacher.
Click here to read the whole post and how my hate of Power BI still helps me be a great Power BI Teacher.
Email me at joe@traversdata.com
Find me on instagram @travers.data
Connect with me on LinkedIn @traversdata
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